Friday, December 9, 2011

I Survived

Hey Peeps!

Another semester has come and gone and somehow, through miraculous wonders, I survived. It's been a rough semester. I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, because I know that I am so lucky to be able to go to school and am thankful for that, but this semester has been harder than my others. I thought they were supposed to get easier as I went. That's so not the case. This semester my classes have pushed me harder, demanded more than I sometimes knew how to give, and have sent my stress level to Mars more than once, but I survived.

During my last news writing class, my professor drove home the survival point. He was most definitely my hardest, most demanding professor this semester. But that being said, I feel like a true winner because I didn't give up on his class and am going to get a B+. His class started out with like 70 kids and dwindled down to 40. To be able to put up with people telling me I was "prying in things I didn't need to know", not calling me back, or calling me back two weeks after I called them thus making them useless, has really shown me just how strong I am. I won't lie, I wanted to quit on that class, but since it's required for PR, I didn't really have a choice but to finish it. Maybe I didn't do my best work near the end (ok, we all know I didn't do my best in the last two weeks), but I feel like sticking with the class is something to be proud of. To see what almost made me bald check out

I found out today that my team got a 100% on our project for my Media Smarts class. That thing seriously stressed me out. It was due the day before Thanksgiving, which didn't give us much time to work on it. Like we seriously only had two or two and a half weeks to watch "Iron Jawed Angels", research the New York Times to see what happened, and write up multiple analysis of fact vs fiction. I've had two other projects in that class and each one was harder than the one before. To finish the hardest project with a perfect score is the best Christmas gift. I also feel good knowing that I didn't buy my grade. Yeah, sure we played into what the professor wanted to hear, but in order to get a good grade you kind of had to do that. But we played by the rules and didn't try to bribe her with books or extra things to get a better score. Yeah, a lot of people did that.

I tried NaNoWriMo this year. I reached 50,406 words by November 30th, but I haven't finished the book. I'm still working on it. I feel like it's the best thing I've written and am actually really proud of what I've finished so far. I know I've been saying this for years and have never followed through, but this time I'm serious. I'm going to send it out on my birthday. You see, this year I'll be 20 on the 20th. There really is no other day that could possibly be more good luck than that. So I have my work cut out for me. Since I only have one final, which happens to be on Tuesday, my goal is to have it all written by the end of next week. I have to work Thursday night at my USU job and don't start back up at the bowling ally until Monday the 19th. I know I can finish it. Then as soon as it's done, it's editing time. I'm not stupid and am fully aware that it needs some serious edits, but I think I can get it done by the first of the year. That means I'm going to need readers to give me feedback. If you would like to help me, and maybe get a chance to read the next big novel (hey, I can dream) let me know. I want some eyes on it before I let the professionals tear it apart.

Despite how hard this semester has been and how much I have cried over it, I really feel like I'm in the right place. I haven't started my PR classes, but from the journalism classes I have taken, especially news writing, I know that this is what I'm supposed to do with my life. I've always had a plan for my life and I still kind of do, but I really feel like this is the right thing and not just something I want. I've found a way to combine my love of writing and music and make a career out of it. I really can't wait until I do an internship and get an actual job.

So that's pretty much it. Nothing overly exciting has happened to me lately. I must say though that yesterday and today have been excellent hair days.

Final thought: If he wants the milk he has to buy the cow and if he's lactose-intolerant he's gay. (The last part was added by my friend Zakk, but I thought it was funny and wanted to share)

**Rae Marie