Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reading List

Maybe I’m a little late to the party, but I finished the best book last night! Jay Asher has a book called “The Thirteen Reasons Why” and it seriously is probably one of the best books I have ever read. The writing is good, but it makes you think. Like really think.

The book covers a pretty serious subject. Suicide. Thankfully I feel like it’s not as taboo as it used to be and we as a society can talk about it and try to prevent it. The book tells the story of Hannah Baker, a high schooler who committed suicide. She makes tapes detailing the 13 people who influenced her decision. The writing is good, but it is the thought process that makes this book so memorable.

I finished the book last night, but I’ve been thinking today about every person I’ve come in contact with. How am I making them feel? Did I possibly do or say something that hurt them?

Tolerance, and I am certainly part of this problem, is something that we as a country have a HUGE issue with. We spend so much time judging others and tearing them down, but what if we spent our time making others happy?? What if schools cut out the dumb Emerson and Thoreau reading that no one understands, and replaced that time with Asher’s book? Would it make it a difference? Would we be a more understanding and concerned society?? Maybe it wouldn’t change the world, but it certainly wouldn’t hurt.

Guess I’m just thinking too much.

In other news, look at how amazing the LA sunset was last night. Thanks Twitter peeps for sharing this gorgeous piece of heaven with the world last night.



Monday, January 23, 2012

8 Weeks is a LOOOOONG TIME

I know I wrote about finishing the book, but I didn’t tell you that I ACTUALLY MAILED IT!! In the past, I’ve talked about mailing something out, but I never have. None of my other projects have ever been close enough to me feeling like I could share it with the world, though last year’s “David” was pretty close (except it was too short for publishing requirements.) So I actually did it. And of course since it is me and my family, I photo documented it.

This is what the final packet looked like. I didn’t get everything printed and put together until about 1 am Friday morning.

I took it home so I could take it to the post office and get it all weighed. Didn’t want to be short on postage and risk not getting it sent.

This lovely photo was taken at the post office right after I handed over my envelope. Of course the mail lady looked at us like we were crazy. I mean really, who takes pictures when they mail something??? Well, besides me.

Okay, so I had a picture of me standing under a sign that said “mail it” which was kind of like my Nike “just do it” slogan, but I’m being challenged and can’t get it to paste. It was blurry anyway, so I guess its okay.

So I mailed it and there’s nothing I can do for 8 weeks!! That’s how long the website said it usually takes to get a yes or no back. And so the waiting begins. I thought the 10 weeks it took to write it was a long time, but 8 weeks feels like forever. I keep thinking about things I maybe could have changed or done differently, but there’s nothing I can do now. It’s all in the hands of fate.

I said I was going to take a week off from writing, but I don’t think I can go that long. I want to start editing and cleaning up the rest of it. I had a few people read what I sent out and they said they wanted to see what happened next. Guess that gives me an incentive of sorts. We’ll see. I still have some fun reading to do! My twitching fingers make me feel like a true writer. There’s a line in the book about my main character loving music and
“need(ing) it like air.” That’s how I feel about writing.

I just wanted to share the news. Hopefully I’ll have even better news to share soon!


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

It’s Done.

Hey kids!

I would like everyone to take just a second to read over the title. No crazy punctuation, not a zillion !!, not even all caps. That’s kinda how I feel about it. I finished the book Monday night and while it felt good to know that I can stop pulling my hair out about it, and I did do a short three some odd minute victory dance (to “Teenage Dream” mind you), I’m just feeling kinda blah about the whole thing. I don’t know what exactly I expected to feel, but I was sure it would be a much more satisfying experience. I mean, I’ve been working on the stupid thing for 10 weeks. That’s a long time. The last book I wrote took me 6 weeks. Granted it’s shorter and not as good, but still 6 weeks. I feel a little let down with myself. I should have been done a lot sooner. I set so many deadlines to be done, but I finally got there. I guess slow is better than never.

I’m still going to send it out on Friday. I’m editing like a boss to the point that I’m getting delirious and headache-ish from lack of sleep. I didn’t go to bed until about 1 this morning since I was up fixing all my screw ups. Apparently I have a difficult time with punctuation. There were a lot of problems, but that’s what proof-reading is for.

I think my lack of excitement stems from the fact that now I have nothing to do. Of course I plan to read. First up is the Booky Wook series from Russell Brand and then as soon as I can get my hands on a copy I plan to check out “13 Reasons Why”. It’s on the “must read” list put together by some book website. I’ve heard it good. But after I read, then what??

I had an idea for a new project present itself while I was finishing the book. It might be good and fun. May need to find a bowling ally to research in (haha. I’m still working in Syracuse).

So yeah, I just thought I’d let everyone know that I finished. Who knows what will happen next, but it’s going in the mailbox on Friday. Fingers Crossed!!


Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy New Year

So I’m a little late since it’s the 6th, but it’s the thought that counts, right?? I feel like there has been a lot of seriousness in the world as of late, so I figured I’d go with things that make me happy. And why shouldn’t I? This is the last “First of the Year” post I’ll get to do since supposedly the world is ending in December. Better pull that bucket list out.

Over the break, we discovered that pretty much my entire family is a hoarder, (and also that I couldn’t spell hoarder). It started on Christmas Eve when my older brother was going through some boxes he pulled from a storage unit. Needless to say there was a lot of stuff he’d forgotten about and even more stuff we wondered why he even had. During this little trip down memory lane, it was determined that he was a hoarder. Subsequently, throughout the following two weeks everyone in my family decided to clean/go through rooms. In the end we came to the conclusion that we are in fact, hoarders. Do they offer family discounts for counseling??

Since this startling (and very upsetting) revelation, I started to wonder what other strange habits and obsessions I have. I’d like to share one with you.

Deep breath Rachael, you can admit it…


I LOVE Jamba Juice! The Strawberry Wild is my favorite. I’m pretty sure it’s an addiction, because the other night I had a dream about getting one, and have craved one since. Needless to say, today was a Jamba day. I’m pretty sure I could live on the stuff, so ya know, if I ever have to have an IV, let’s make sure this gets pumped through. Okay?

I need to finish my book. I should totally be doing that instead of blogging, but let’s call the blog a writing warm up. haha. I have about five and a half chapters left and for some reason I’m dragging my feet. But this weekend, being back in Logan with nothing really to do, I plan to lock myself in my room with a butt load of chocolate and write.

School starts Monday. I’m ready and I’m not. I wish I was farther in my program though, because the department just sent out the notice about my dream internship. Oh well…hopefully next year.

I cut my hair yesterday. Took off about two inches. What is it about getting a haircut that makes you feel so different? I didn’t change anything but the length of my hair, didn’t even color it, but I feel different. Older, more responsible. Maybe it’s the fact that I’m about to turn 20….

I feel really cute today, so you get a picture.



Okay, I feel sufficiently warmed up, so I guess I better go write while I have the motivation. I told myself I couldn’t open this giant thing of peanut M&M’s until I finished the book, but we’ll see how well that goes.

Enjoy the gorgeous weather peeps!

**Rae Marie