Wednesday, November 9, 2016

We Know What to Do

Sick, embarrassed and scared. That pretty much sums up my feelings over the state of our country right now. I’m sick over the hatred for things that are different and how it is driving our country. I’m embarrassed by my state for their choice in leadership, not just on a national level, but here at home too. I’m scared for the future and what it may bring for my and my future children. I’m scared about the world I’ll have to raise them in. All I want to do is cry. 

As I watched the election results last night and read the news this morning it was hard to remain positive. Uncertainty and anxiety over what is going to happen knotted my stomach and made it almost impossible to sleep. The more I’ve thought about it, the more I realized we already know what to do. JK Rowling spent our whole childhood teaching us and preparing us for this exact moment. 

Our president-elect is Voldemort. He has stirred up fear and hatred the same way the Dark Lord did. He has a quest to rid the country of those who he considers less—those who don’t agree or align with his values. There will be Death Eaters who loyally follow and help spew the hate and fear their leader has created and will do his bidding. Things are going to get a little crazy for a while as we figure out his weakness (I’m calling it now, it’s a lack of love). Then, when we need it most and the world is ready, the Children who Lived will help us fight back. These kids may be law students who aren’t sure if they should keep going, or high school students worried about what is going to happen to their family. Maybe it’s a single mom struggling to make ends meet for her family. Or maybe it’s you. It may even be one of our littles who has no idea what is happening right now. But they will come and they will fight and good will win. 

In the mean time, we need to reassemble The Order. We need to join together to fight the injustices, give a voice to those who don’t have their own and stand up for what we know is right. Don’t let others be mistreated because it seems like the popular thing to do. There is enough fighting and division in the world. We need to unite in love. Love for our country, our families and ourselves. Love is the highest superpower and the only way to win is to join together. 

We can do this America!