Highlights of the Last 2 days
I didn’t kill my recitation teacher (super feat)
Water Bottle Candidate smiled and talked to me**
I had lunch with my mom!!
Blue sky showed today and yesterday!!
I found out Katy Perry is coming to SLC in July
I’m going to said show with my Brother
My awesome roommates made me muffins for my birthday
My Linguistics class was canceled for today
I found 2 new favorite songs
Because it’s Thursday I don’t have to do homework today and can instead do it over the weekend
Overall I love my life!!!!
**Water Bottle Candidate: So as you’ve probably figured out by now, I’m a HUGE Katy Perry fan. She’s married to Russell Brand and met him at the MTV VMA’s, but because she’s Katy Perry it wasn’t just “Hey how are you?” conversation. She was across the room and through a water bottle at him, which connected with his head. They flirted and now they’re married. So now anytime I see a guy I think is cute or could possible date, he is called Water Bottle Candidate. So far there is only one and he is in my Theater class. No names yet, but he’s super cute. Haha