Monday, February 28, 2011

How It’s Done

So last night I watched the Oscars (surprise surprise) but instead of being solely focused on the actors themselves, I was really watching the fashion this year. It was interesting, but pretty plain compared to years past. Of course there were some people I wanted to violently shake and scream “WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?? THIS IS THE OSCARS!!!” for their choice in attire was just…blah. I mean the Oscar’s are a big deal in Hollywood. It’s like prom. You break out the princess dress not the sundress and flip flops. Unfortunately we had a few sundresses and flip-flops and a bit of beach hair…yeah ScarJo, that’s you. But there were some who knocked it out of the ballpark. Homerun for fashion. My fav and female fashion pick of the night is….Cate Blanchett.

cate blanchett 2011 oscars 07

This is how the Oscar’s should look. Classy and put together. Can I go back to high school and wear this to prom??

As for the guys, there were some really good looking men!! But if you’re going to go to the Oscar’s shave the ferret off your face before hand!!! I don’t care if you’re in the middle of production, it looks gross!!!

“I can because I’m a rock star”

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Back It Off Creep!!

Hey Peeps!!!

So I have a question for everyone. How exactly to you let someone know that you are REALLY not interested in them?? Here’s the story.

I’m taking English 2010 this semester, and while it’s a pointless class for someone like me who considers themselves a pretty good writer, the subject material is not the worst part of the class. There is a guy in there who won’t leave me alone!!! From what I’ve gathered he’s around 25, lonely, and just about the most vulgar person I’ve ever met. I’m pretty open minded to different people and different ways of life but when every other sentence is “F this” or “F that” I draw the line. I don’t know what I’ve done, but he seems to have taken a liking to me and sits next to me everyday as well as tries to flirt. I’ve tried dropping hints about going out with other guys and being the Mormon he surely could never date, but he still doesn’t seem to get it. How do I tell him to back off without coming across as a soulless b-witch??

And just in case you’re wondering there is someone I like. He’s pretty great, but he’s in my MWF class…I’m not sure what’s going on there, but does anyone?? Haha

So yeah, maybe I should buy one of those “I <3 my boyfriend” shirts from Wet Seal and wear it on Tuesday Thursdays… What are your thoughts??


Friday, February 11, 2011

Finally The Music Industry Is Getting It!!

Hi Friends!! I hope everyone is doing well on this fabulously warm Friday afternoon. The sun is shining and it’s around 40 today here in Logan. I’m hitting the end of my cold and am feeling MUCH better. Not quite 100% yet, but I’m getting there. Of course the large Mountain Dew on the desk next to me is helping a lot as well as some wonderful drugs!!

So this morning the new Lady Gaga track “Born This Way” dropped. Being me and trying to have my finger on the pulse of new stuff everyone is sure to be talking about soon, I decided to check it out. (I think of doing such as prep for my future job as a journalist) I was up nice and early (thanks body) and had plenty of time to mess around on the internet since my first class of the day was canceled. I pulled up the ever wonderful youtube and found the track under Lady Gaga’s Vevo account.

I’ll be honest, I was a little worried about this song. I’ve listened to her other songs, even have her “Fame Monster” album. Some of the songs are…well interesting. This is the girl, after all, who wore a meat dress and has everyone wondering what she will wear to the Grammy Awards this weekend. It is safe to say, Lady Gaga is not afraid to take chances. She does what she wants and seems to have a refreshing attitude that doesn’t care what others think of her. So when I looked up “Born This Way” I was a little worried what I would hear.

I’m in LOVE with this track. It seems the music industry is finally getting it in terms of music. Gone are the days of Tupac (yes I have listened to him just to get a feel) and his songs about getting shot and killing others. Yes, sex is still out there, but it’s taking a back seat to a better essence of songs. Feel good, empowerment, and independence songs. Pink released her song “Less Than Perfect”, we have Katy Perry’s “Firework” (overplayed-maybe. Great message-always), and now Lady Gaga is adding her hat into this mix with “Born This Way”.

Throw away all your previous notions of what Lady Gaga stands for or is and just listen. Also look up the lyrics. With lines like “I’m beautiful in my own way, ‘cuz God makes no mistakes” and an amazing bridge that starts at 2:50, it’s impossible to ignore that this song is the next is a much needed music revolution. I have a feeling this song is going to BLOW UP this year!!

While I’m still rooting for Katy Perry this weekend at the Grammy’s, I think Gaga could have something with this song. I guess only time will tell how the rest of the album is, but I’m sure the Grammy’s will take notice. The rest of the world seems to already have, making “Born This Way” the fastest selling single on ITunes EVER!! All I can say, is good work Lady Gaga.

If you want something to make you feel good and maybe release a few endorphins (“Exercise gives you endorphins and endorphins make you happy and happy people just don’t kill their husbands”) as you dance around the room, check out the song.

Enjoy your weekend.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Wow, Thoughts Are Powerful

I think I already knew that they were, but today I was reminded once again what the power of thought can do.

It’s the first of February, but of course you already knew that. It’s one month closer to spring and summer. One month closer to finals. And of course it has been one month since I broke up with B. It really hasn’t bothered me. To be honest, I think it was the easiest break-up I’ve ever gone through. It was the right thing to do and I knew that at the time and I know that now. Of course, not seeing him has probably aided in the ease as well.

Today as I was on the shuttle on my way to class I was thinking about how I hadn’t seen B since our last date. It is yet another wonderful thing about college. You can date someone, break-up with them, and the chances of seeing them around campus are very slim-as long as you don’t live in the same building or have classes with them. The campus is big enough that you can go on your merry little way and enjoy life and the plentiful eye-candy USU provides for us ladies (there are lots of guys and granted quite a few of them are married, but they are still fun to look at! I like to think of it as if they were celebrities. The on-screen hotties are totally out of reach to average women like myself, but it doesn’t stop me from looking!!).

Well I guess I better be careful what I think about ‘cuz within minutes of stepping off the bus my thoughts became realities. I was walking across campus in front of the Ag Science building and walking in front of me was B. I chuckled out loud, but I was far enough away (and quiet enough) that I don’t think he heard me. If he did, he didn’t acknowledge me.It was interesting to see him. His hair was long and kinda scraggly looking, he desperately needed a shave, and just looked worse for wear. It made me wonder if he had always looked like that, or if today was just a bad day for him. Whatever the reason, it didn’t bother me. I was feeling great, looking great (if I’m allowed to say that) and just generally happy. I continued walking, heading north toward the ESLC while he walked west in the general direction of the library. A minute later I had the urge to turn and look after him. I caught him staring in my general direction. What I would give to know the thoughts in his head at that moment, because when we broke up he had the chance to keep me, but his words put the final nail in the coffin, ultimately ending the relationship.

It’s crazy what thoughts can do. One thought can create alternate worlds of a boy wizard, bring peace and express emotions in ways otherwise unknown, and can do horrible things like conquer others. Of course, today was probably pure coincidence, just a matter of chance, but I’m not so sure. I walk the same way every day at the same time and have never seen him before. Maybe I need to be a little more careful with my thoughts. Maybe I should be more liberal. If I think about it hard enough, will Russell Brand show up in my life science class and entertain us?? It’s worth a shot haha!!


Quote of the Day: “If there is any possible chance you might be a woman…”-Prof. David Hole

Yeah pretty sure I would know whether I am a woman or not. Been that way since birth thanks.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm Still Alive!!!

Top 5 Reason’s it’s Too Cold to Get Out of Bed.
1. The condensation on the bus window freezes
2. Walking across the quad brings tears to your eyes
3. Within 2 seconds of being outside your entire body is numb
4. When the Las Vegas temperature of 24 seems warm
5. When your professors enter the classroom and simply state “It’s cold outside”

I am SOOOOOOOOOOO ready for spring!! Yesterday Logan was around -5 with wind chill. I was freezing, didn’t feel well, and of course it was my full class day that I couldn’t miss. Can I find some flip flops please?? Maybe I should purchase a one way ticket to Hollywood. I think I can handle their weather right now. Anything warmer than -5 is a welcome change.
It’s been a while since I’ve blogged, sorry guys. Things have been busy. Classes have been…well…boring. I’m not feeling challenged by any of them. I go to class and try my best not to fall asleep. I know it is partly my fault for signing up for them, but my classes this semester are simply to fill my general Ed credits. I also changed my major to journalism and can’t wait to start my classes for that—next fall. I think writing for magazines (I’m thinking pop culture stuff like Entertainment Weekly or being a reporter who interviews nominees at award shows) will be a better fit for me than teaching. I finished my novel back in December and have spent the last few weeks doing personal edits of the first few chapters that I plan on sending out. I dropped my pages off with a friend yesterday to have them grammar edited. Hopefully by Presidents Day I will send my pages to my first publisher. Maybe by summer I could be on my way to being a writer.

It’s interesting how different teachers teach. My English Lit professor is talking about Shakespeare. Last week we talked about him in my theater class and not to be mean, but I think my theater professor did a much better job at explaining him. What can I say?? I have to keep myself entertained!!
