Sunday, June 5, 2011

Born for This

Sometimes, I wonder if we are born to do specific things. The other day I was reading a magazine interview with Katy Perry (surprise surprise) and she said something along the lines of feeling like she was born to be a popstar. What I wonder is if people are born to do certain things. Was Picaso born to be a painter? Was Eistien delievered to this earth to bogle our minds with his discovery's in math and science?? Was I born to write??????

Okay, I'll stop attempting to be deep. I finished editing "David". Slightly sad about the whole thing, but also a bit relieved that it's done. I want to get it all cleaned up and send it to publishers, and at the same time I want to spend some time with another project I just started and let David and Katy breathe for a bit. Decisions decisions.

I haven't had much time to think about anything though because I've been working like crazy. Work hosted grad parties for Clearfield and Syracuse so I had to work the midnight parties on top of working normal shifts. I can't complain. I need the money, but my body is trying to catch up. I think it might take some time for it to though. haha.

So that's me, just being boring and reading. I've decided if I could write like Russell Brand, or at least have is vocabulary, I would be totally fine. Guess I'll just keep dreaming...


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