Monday, November 8, 2010

Day 8: Snow Day

Unless you are fortunate enough to live in one of the warmer parts of the world (or just not Utah), we got snow...No I am not cheering, or singing, or dancing in the falling flakes. Snow is the devil. It can die in a hole along with spiders and mosquitoes for all I care. There is nothing wonderful about it and I am more into counting down until it goes away instead of when it will come.

I'M FREEZING!!! Everything is wet, and all I want to do is stay home and lay on my bed like a bum. I feel like I'm a hostage to the cold. It has me hiding in my apartment. I don't even want to go to the gym because it's cold. I’ve decided I went to the wrong school. I should have signed up for Dixie and hung out at the warm school for a little while. It seems that Dixie the only school I could have gone to in Utah that would have allowed me to escape the snow.

The days of summer and fall are officially gone. If you can enjoy this weather, go for it. If not, you can join me in hiding until the sun shines again!!

See you tomorrow
**Rachael Rae


  1. Yesterday I wasn't feeling too sympathetic because although it was rainy, it wasn't too terribly cold-sweatshirt weather.
    Today it is freezing! I think that if it is going to be this cold, it should snow, and I think that it shouldn't be cold when I have to wear a skirt :(

  2. You should come down to UNLV We don't have snow and you can party every night like a rockstar.
