Sunday, September 11, 2011

Where Were You??

10 years ago I was 9. I was a 4th grader who didn’t really pay attention to what was going on in the world. If it wasn’t happening to me directly in my little bubble of elementary school, I didn’t have a clue. Days revolved around friends and TV. Music and homework pages. I probably couldn’t have told you a single thing happening in the “real” world, and to be honest, I didn’t care. I didn’t understand what tragedy was or what hatred meant. I was pretty much a typical kid.

And then it happened. That morning-where I was-I’ll never forget. My alarm went off at like 7:30, telling me it was time for yet another day in my hot, unair-conditioned school. But it was a different day. Instead of music or stupid commentary about the latest movie, Todd and Erin, the DJ’s on B98, were serious. The sound of their voice-it was like they were trying not to cry as they reported that two planes had hit the towers in New York. I didn’t know what the towers were, but I knew things were bad. I rushed to turn on the TV to see the image we all know so well now.

Smoke rising out of the towers into the crystal blue sky. I didn’t really understand what was happening or what it meant, but it made me sad. I ran up the stairs to tell my mom, but she already knew. She was sitting on the couch with a stunned look on her face, like she couldn’t believe what had happened.

School was interesting that day. I remember going to class and talking about it. Everyone was so on edge-as they probably should have been. My teacher, Mrs. Lowe, asked us to write a journal entry about what pandemonium was. I didn’t even know what that word meant. I wish I had the journal still, but I remember writing something about it meaning craziness like what was happening in New York, while all the while fighting the image of a panda dancing around my head.

After school I went home and watched all the images of people coming out of the wreckage on the news. It was so over-whelming and I remember being sad. The radio played every patriotic song they could find, including “I’m Proud to be an American”. Hearing that song while sitting in front of the TV and seeing all the mess, I got goose bumps and to this day I can’t listen to that song without getting chills and a little misty eyed.

On that day, for the first time I can remember, America stood totally united. Everyone was affected, whether they knew someone in New York or not. I personally didn’t know anyone that was in the towers, but I heard stories and had friends who’s parents were supposed to be there, or be on one of those planes, but didn’t go because of one thing or another. I constantly struggle with the idea of religion and where I stand with it, but I know that God was there, with all those people, and everyone at home across America, protecting and holding them so that they could be strong.

And here we are 10 years later. What have we learned from 9-11?? We still have hatred, sometimes I think it’s gotten even worse in the last few years. Our soldiers are still in Iraq. Politics is such a mess, I don’t even want to imagine some of the candidates running our country. So why is it that one major event can unite a country so strongly yet the aftershocks of said event can pull us apart?? Aren’t we all Americans, fighting for the same rights we were promised: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness??

Life is not simple, but it shouldn’t be taken for granted. We have to wake up every single day and remember that we are so BLESSED to be ALIVE!! Every day is a gift, and no matter what is going on, we need to remember that there are people out there DYING so that we can live. It’s an interesting paradox isn’t it??

Sometimes war is necessary and I support our troops even though I don’t always agree with the cause for battle. I hope that one day, my children will be able to live in a world without hatred, bigotry, and evil. Maybe we can learn from our mistakes and become better people because of it.

Whatever happens, where ever I made end up in this life, I know that I will NEVER forget September 11th.

1 comment:

  1. This is Erika Gomm, I just found this on facebook. :) :) I loved it, what a great post. I, too, think it is sad that we are pulled apart by the aftershocks. It is a strange world we live in. Anyway, keep writin!!!
