Friday, October 14, 2011

Updates and Changes

So it's been a while since I last posted anything- a month and three days to be exact. It's not that I've forgotten about the blog, I really haven't, I just haven't felt like I've had anything blog-worthy to post (and potentially waste your time with). As you've probably noticed, I've changed the blog format. I figured that after a year it was time for something new. I get bored if things are the same for too long, but then again, maybe everyone does.

I think I'm getting back into the swing of college and work. I decided to take a month and a half away from the bowling ally so that I can focus on school and a social life in Logan. I think it will be good, as long as I can keep my shopping habit in check. I'm still working as a broadcast facilitator 4 nights a week here on campus so I've got some money, but the double paycheck was kinda nice. Oh well, my sanity and education come first.

I'm still writing, but not nearly as much as I did last year at this time. I think it's because I'm taking more classes and working, but whatev. I really need to get back to my pages. There's a girl in my creative fiction class that wrote a book in a week and had it published within two months. It's crazy that she could get it done that fast. Even when I don't have anything to do, I can't stay focused on writing long enough to write a whole chapter in one day, let alone a book in a week. It really put things in perspective for me.

Maybe I can publish a book. Everyone seems to think I have the talent for words. Yesterday in my Mass Communications class we had to write a group paper, and being the only girl, I was deemed the scribe. I didn't mind and every time I read my paragraphs out loud the three guys in my group were like "You're so good with words. That sounds so good. How are you so talented with language?" It made me feel good. Plus, my news writing professor, the one I really hated at the beginning of the semester has given me great feedback. He's a hard grader, but I've managed to get 19/20 on my last four articles. (I'm learning a lot from him and I truly respect him. I'm really hoping he teaches more classes next semester, cuz I'm so signing up if so.)  Maybe I'm just being cocky, but I feel like the encouragement means something. I really think I just need to quit being so down on myself and get into my characters heads for a little bit and finish the stupid thing. I've already written 2 drafts of it and am working on the 3rd. Though this one has a lot of changes, same basic story line but location, perspective and major scenes have changed. I think they're changes for the better, but I'm not entirely sure. I know I need readers so if you're willing and able to give me good feedback within about a week of me sending you my stuff, message me. I could really use the help.

So yeah that's it. I'm still in Logan, still love writing, even more obsessed with Twitter, and maybe a little twitterpaited...who knows???

**Rae Marie

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