Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Things I'm Learning in College

Hey Peeps!!

So I'm in college, which naturally means I am learning a thing or two. I learned a couple of good lessons today and this week. Wanna hear them??

Lesson #1: It doesn't matter how right you are-how many other people back you up-if it's not what the professor's wrong
I'm taking a fiction writing class this semester. In class everyone writes a story and we spend each class period discussing and dissecting two stories. During this time, the author must stay silent and simply listen. Today we were talking about a story someone had written that included a scene about drug abuse. Now, I don't really know or associate with any junkies, but I've read enough books and watched enough movies to know the general paraphernalia associated with hard drugs. From the description we were given, it sounded like heroin to me and several other students. This professor, who I'm sure is really knowledge able about the subject, was convienced that the syringe and yellow powder was insulin for a diabetic, even though there weren't any other clues that could make the woman a diabetic. Now I actually know a few diabetics and have seen what insulin looks like. For one it is NOT a powder. I mentioned this and my belief that the substance was heroin or some other equally hard drug and the professor debated me on it. I got a little frustrated and asked the writer point blank if the substance was heroin, in which he replied it was. The professor gave me a dirty look and ignored my raised hand every time after that.

From what I gather about her just from being in class, this woman has had an interesting life. She's probably like 50 or something, but I wouldn't be surprised if she was a Woodstock survivor. She doesn't make complete sentences and doesn't make much sense when she talks. She's even tried to tell me that once you break up with someone, you don't feel anything for them and it is impossible to still be in love with them. Trust me, I've had my heart broken a few times and there is still a part of my that feels for those guys. This teacher is INSANE!! If it isn't her way, it isn't right.

Lesson #2- Even in college their are coattail riders
Group project-all I'm gonna say on the subject

Lesson #3- I LOVE to edit
I've been doing a lot of editing of my own stuff as well as for others, and I love it!! Can someone pay me to do this??

Lesson #4-I need to marry a Mr. Mom
I get injured when I cook. I burned my hand on soup today...pathetic?? I think yes.

So yeah, I guess I just kinda wanted to rant a little about the professor who is going to make me bald. Everything with a grain of salt, I guess. My story get's torn apart tomorrow. Yay me!! haha. I'm not really excited, but as my news writing professor has shown me, I actually can write.

Sweet Dreams and Pink Ice Creams!!
**Rae Marie

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