Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I Don't Want to Grow Up

$7 REALLY??? I know being an adult is about paying for things and meeting the world of bills and expenses and such, but $7 dollars just to do a few loads of laundry, and that doesn’t include the detergent which is expensive in its own right. I know some of the “moms” and my fellow college students are rolling their eyes right now and saying “welcome to the real world”. I’m all for being an adult and I enjoy the freedoms and accept the responsibilities of it, but why does life have to be so expensive?? I can fill my gas tank, drive home, see my family, eat food that doesn’t come out of the microwave or a cardboard box, and do my laundry for around $15. Is it really worth the convince of doing it at my apartment??
Maybe today is just a bad day…yep we’re going to go with that. Not only did it get extremely cold and the icky disgusting white stuff fell from the heavens (not a heavenly gift I’m thankful for), but I took a lovely slide down the stairs of the large auditorium in front of several of my (cute male) classmates. So now I have bruised and skinned shins, a sore ankle, and bruised palms. To make the whole experience better a very good looking guy that happens to be in the class with me laughed as I slid. Lovely, just lovely…but on a good note Daisy started without a problem when I went to find McDonalds. Any of you that have experienced Daisy know what a great feat that this!!!
More later…

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Hello! My name is Rachael (but if you're reading this, you should already know that). This little project is something that I have wanted to do for a long time. Now I know what some of you may be thinking, what does an 18 year old girl have to say? I admit, I myself have asked that question several times, hence why I haven't started a blog until now. But honesty, I think I have lot to say. I am an aspiring writer and I'm realizing the best way for me to be heard and express what I think, feel, and need is to write it down. So hopefully this won't bore you all to tears, and if it does, I'm sorry. I'll buy you some Kleenex.
So since this is my first post, I'm going to experiment with some things. I honestly don't know who, if anyone will even read this, but if all else, this is for me. So topic number 1!
Lately in the media there has been a lot of attention put on bullying. With the recent suicides of teens across the country who were victims of bullying, a new bullying policy being implemented in the schools (and it’s about time!), and the exasperated protesting against these policies, it is impossible to ignore this growing epidemic. Yes I said EPIDEMIC because I feel that’s exactly what this is! I was bullied in junior high and high school, I have talked with and know others who have been bullied and I've seen it happen to my siblings. The question I pose is WHY??? Why do others feel they have to tear someone down?? Does it really give them that big of a rush?? Is it like a drug?? If so, I can think of a thousand other things that could give them a natural high, that doesn't involve hurting others. Is it a power struggle? Do bullies really feel that out of control?? I guess what I'm saying, is why does all of this happen? Why do those who work hard, have goals, and are responsible get picked on? Also why do some parents refuse to take responsibility for their children who are hurting others?? Honestly, it really reflects bad on you as parent when you don't step in and take responsibility for your kid and teach them responsibility as well. Didn't Jesus say "Love everyone"?? Last I checked that was one of the 10 commandments as well as a simplified version of the golden rule. I know I'm young and don't understand everything, but this is one thing I really wish I could understand.
Okay, so that was a rant and now I feel better!! On a happier note, I passed all my midterms and there is only 7 more weeks left of the semester!!! I am alive, mostly happy, and not frozen yet, though that last one might change in the next few weeks.
Thanks for reading, I know it was long :(, but like I said, I have a lot to say!