Thursday, May 24, 2012

I Know a Post That Get's on Everybody's Nerves

And this is it.

Aw the dreaded complaint post. I hate reading them and try to avoid doing them, but this one is feeling inevitable. I just need to vent a little bit and then I'll feel better and be able to get through the rest of the summer.

So what do I need to complain about?? The thing everyone whines about...


It's pretty common knowledge that I work in a fun center, but lately it's been anything but fun. Maybe  it's like the 3 year itch or the knowledge that there are so many better things/opportunities for me out there, but since I started back full time, all I can think about is how bad I want to get out. I made a list of all the reasons I can't wait to leave. Wanna see it?

Rachael's list of Fun Center Cons
1. D.R.A.M.A- Life is full of unavoidable drama, but I feel like there is an excess amount amongst my co-workers. Between contention between workers that gets shared with everyone and personal life issues that everyone seems to feel the need to drag into the building, there is enough to write a soap opera. Maybe I should. It'd be a good ticket out.

2. Not everyone plays by the rules- Life is unfair. I am more than aware of this, but in the workplace I feel like everyone should follow the rules set down by management and there should be punishments for those who don't. It makes working so much easier/happier. We have a no cell phone policy, but several of my co-workers don't like to follow it. There's supposed to be penalties, but they aren't enforced and the main offenders happen to be the boss's kid and his two friends, so nothing will really be done. It sucks.

3. Work has taken over my life- I mainly get night shifts. I understand the reason that the people who ALWAYS work days, get days, but nights are rough. I can't really hang out with friends or go out with guys because I spend every night working. By the time I get off, most everything around is closed. I'm 20. I want a social life!

That's just the top 3 big items. There's lots of little things, like not getting the time off I requested a month ago for Disneyland and having to shove my shifts onto other people. I know I should be grateful for the fact that I have a job, but sometimes it's really hard when everything seems so bad at the job. One more summer. That's what I keep telling myself. If I can get through this, next summer I can do my internship and be one step closer to a job that I actually want.

Thanks for reading my little rant. I feel so much better.

Rae Marie

Friday, May 4, 2012

I Did It!!

Another semester has come and gone. It really hasn't set in yet. I feel like I'm just home for the weekend and I'll have to pack up Sunday afternoon and go back. But I don't. I think I figured out where to put everything for the summer so it looks like I'm here for the next few months.

I'm back to working full time at the fun center plus still managing the social media. It's good. Keeping me out of trouble and giving me the ability to pay for my final 3 semesters of college. That's right. I only have 3 left and then I'll be done. Not sure how I feel about that...

Still haven't heard anything on RockStar but I pulled out last years book and have started working on it again. It's going pretty well, but I have a lot of work to do with it. It kinda surprises me how immature my writing seems compared to now. A year really shouldn't make that big of a difference, but it does.

Today is kinda special. It's the one year birthday for Veronica. Kinda strange that I've had her for a year. She's been a good little car, getting me back and forth from Logan for the last year. Here's to many more trips through Sardine Canyon, Ronnie!
