Sunday, October 2, 2016

Welcome Back

Hi Friends,

It's been a while since I've posted anything. I'd like to say that I've been off having grand adventures, saving the world or doing something remarkable...but that would be a lie. Truth is, I've just been adulting. I have wanted to get back into blogging for a while, so I'm making a commitment to myself to blog every week through the end of the year. The posts will probably be on Sundays, since that's when I have the most time, but don't totally hold me to that. I don't know what the posts will be about, but I have some ideas. There are a handful of bad date stories that I've tried countless times to use in a novel, but just can't get them to work and they're too good not to share. I have thoughts on current world situations, books that I NEED to review and some other things that might just come out as ramblings. Either way, I wanted a place to share them and this long forgotten blog seemed like the best place to do that.

I'm also getting much more serious about wanting to publish a novel (which one is still up in the air). I'm looking into agents and publishers and considering the pros and cons to self-publishing. No matter which route I go, I know I need to have an online identity. No one will buy my books (beyond my mother) if they don't know about them. What's the point of being a writer if you don't have at least one reader?

So this is it. I'm committing to three months of weekly blogs where I basically can dump the contents of my brain out, discuss how I'm feeling about writing (read: probably complaining), and share thoughts that I just don't have the willpower to dump onto Facebook. A link to a blog is much easier to ignore than a three paragraph post killing your scroll time. I hope you check back weekly and will share your thoughts on my thoughts. Let's reopen conversation!


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